Financial Statement Audit
Our clients rely on financial statement audit reports for their decision-making, with reliable and transparent information.
IFRS analysis, diagnosis, and adoption
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) constitute a framework for the preparation of financial information adopted and used by companies internationally. Their use is increasingly widespread.
Agreed Upon Procedures
Users of financial information often require reviews of specific items in the financial information and are interested in validating certain aspects of those items.
Transfer Pricing
We support our clients in complying with Transfer Pricing legislation.
Tax Consulting
Grant Thornton Peru's personalized tax advisory service provides assistance and guidance to individuals and companies on matters related to tax compliance
Tax Compliance
Through this service, we analyze our clients' tax compliance by reviewing or determining the monthly and annual taxes they are obligated to declare.
Assistance in the design, implementation and monitoring of Compliance programs within the framework of local and international regulations (FCPA, Corporate Criminal Responsibility Law), including course delivery.
ESG & Sustainability
Projects related to ESG (environmental, social and governance) and Sustainability.
Forensic |Grant Thornton Perú
The services offer includes expert advice in litigation resolution and the development of procedures in legal/digital forensics and cybersecurity.
Human Capital solutions
Grant Thornton's Human Capital division has a team of professionals determined to accompany individuals and organizations throughout the relationship between the employee and the organization.
Organizational restructuring
Advice on operational restructuring to companies in difficulty, their creditors or other interested parties.
Services to the Government and the Public Sector
Financial audit projects and special technical and concurrent reviews of programs of national and subnational governments financed by International Credit Organizations. Special projects for government entities, public and mixed companies.
Valuation Services
We provide stock, business, asset, and liability valuations in support of negotiations, account structuring, and tax opportunities.
Transaction Advisory Services
The service offer includes financial due Diligence, operations services, business and strategic intelligence, ratings, advice on mergers and acquisitions, capital markets and debt advice.
Academy - Empowered by Grant Thornton Argentina & Perú
Academy is an e-learning platform that emerged as a joint initiative of Grant Thornton Argentina and Grant Thornton Perú. It is designed so that everyone can acquire new skills in accounting, auditing, taxes, technology and business through access to multiple courses and certifications.
Lunes, 24 de marzo de 2025
Aprueban la facultad discrecional para no sancionar infracciones previstas en la Ley General De Aduanas.
Mediante la resolución Nº 000008-2025-SUNAT/300000, se aprueba la facultad discrecional para no sancionar infracciones previstas en la Ley General De Aduanas relacionadas con la transmisión de la documentación que sustenta la declaración aduanera de mercancías al régimen de importación para el consumo en forma digitalizada.
Viernes, 21 de marzo de 2025
Declaran Estado de Emergencia en Lima Metropolitana y Callao.
Mediante el Decreto Supremo Nº 035-2025-PCM, se declara el Estado de Emergencia en Lima Metropolitana del departamento de Lima y en la Provincia Constitucional del Callao durante 30 días.
Martes, 11 de marzo de 2025
Autorizan la difusión en consulta pública de proyecto normativo que aprueba la Norma para la prevención del lavado de activos y del financiamiento del terrorismo, aplicable a las personas jurídicas que explotan juegos a distancia y/o apuestas deportivas a distancia, bajo supervisión del MINCETUR.
Mediante la Resolución SBS Nº 00946-2025, autorizan la difusión en consulta pública del proyecto normativo que aprueba la Norma para la prevención del lavado de activos y del financiamiento del terrorismo, aplicable a las personas jurídicas que explotan juegos a distancia y/o apuestas deportivas a distancia, bajo supervisión del Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo – MINCETUR, en la sede digital de la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones (www.sbs.gob.pe).
Lunes, 10 de marzo de 2025
Modifican el Reglamento para la Gestión de la Continuidad del Negocio.
Mediante la Resolución SBS Nº 00814-2025, se modificó el Reglamento para la Gestión de la Continuidad del Negocio aprobado mediante Res. SBS N° 877-2020 y el Reglamento de Infracciones y Sanciones aprobado por Res. SBS N° 2755-2018.